« 美国专线发货无需要进出口权手续广东唯一海运定舱 »


,我们以“诚信为本”的服务精神为宗旨,致力于为寻求优质国际物流服务的企业提供全球网络细心掌控下的国际海运、空运、 内陆转运,保税仓储等各种物流服务。资深、专业的管理和业务人员,保证了优质、安全、快捷的物流服务,使我们在同业中享有良好声誉。我们致力于向客户提供 专业性的全球物流解决方案。注重服务品质是麦金利公司企业文化中最重要的一个特点,我们关注客户的需求,向客户提供量体裁衣式的个性化服务,并因此在市场上 赢得成功,受到客户青睐。
天津麦金利国际货运代理有限公司与国内外多家船公司合作多年,包括 COSCO, HANJIN, msc, OOCL, NYK, CSCL, HAPAG-LLOYD, CMA CGM, CSAV, Yang Ming等。得益于与船公司合作的广泛性,我们可以为您提供更快捷的信息、更准确的船期、更充足的舱位、更合理的运价,让您得到最优质的服务。
我们代理世界各大港口及内陆点订舱、报关,缮制运输单证,组织安排提货。并提供国内到达口岸货物的换单、清关、报检、检疫、接货、拆箱、分拨、和货物转运至内陆各地的运输配送等业务。Warehouse Service
Cargo storage and management service.
Cargo delivery,distribution,consolidation,and warehouse query service.
Return to bonded warehouse for the repair and re-export.
Bonded warehouse service.Our Company customs department was established in 2012, after four years of struggle, rapid developed, covering the entire customs clearance, bonded warehousing and transportation logistics at home and abroad comprehensive logistics services, enterprise management consulting services, etc. Especially in the aspect of customs declaration to shekou headquarters for radiation, take root in Qianhai, respectively in yantian, man kam to, Huanggan, Fubao, shenzhen bay, Dachan Bay, airport customs, airport logistics park,Nantou , Guangming, shawan, Pingshan etc to set customs branch office at port of shenzhen customs district, such as integration mode of operation,and help customers reduce logistics costs, improve efficiency, expand the scale of production and business and in order to achieve the development goals.
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