1. 接受货主委托,及时订舱,全程货物追踪及反馈;
2. 严格审核进出口报关单证,快速便捷的一站式服务;
3. 出口货物上门提货、运输、报关、打板仓储等增值服务;
4. 航班起飞前发送电子预报,传送海外清关资料及随机文件;
5. 目的地清关及派送:DDU/DDP和目的港清关、送货、回传签收单;
6. 进口货物报关、商检、动植检、查验、仓储、放行送货等服务;
7. 特种货物运输:包括鲜活货、易腐货、贵重货、危险品运输及仓储等;
8. 国际多式联运:包括海空、陆空、铁空、空海、空陆、空铁等国际运输;
9. 包机运输:根据客户的实际需求提供包机运输服务;
Wangfoong is one of the pioneers who set up offices in China in the early 80s and is involved in China trade ever since.
Our knowledge and experience accumulated over the years make us experts in this industry, serving our customers with professionalism and integrity. We are the China Cargo Transport Specialist. With the overwhelming growth of trade between China and the world, Wangfoong has kept up with the demands and diversified its services.
Our office network, good connections with ocean-going liners as well as our logistics infrastructure set up including our feeder services, CY depot, CFS as well as trucking fleet can equip us to excel in freight and logistics services between China and overseas.
We have branches and offices in major gateways in China. We are a class-A licensed forwarder, MOC-NVOCC licensed and US FMC-Bonded NVOCC. Other than that, we are also a licensed ship operator for sea transport.
从最初简单的集装箱代理出口,发展到今天的以集装箱运输为基础,散杂滚装租船为重点,项目物流为特色的业务格局。 其中,既浸透了公司同仁的心血,也体现了客户的尊重和认可。
目前,公司作为国家对外经济贸易部正式核准的国际货物运输一级代理企业,与国内外100余家散杂货船,重吊船,半潜船船东建立了 良好的合作关系,成为船东和货主之间信赖,有效的沟通桥梁。并依托专业、完善、稳健的代理网络,为海内外客户提供经济、 安全、环保、人文的服务。
在集装箱方面,公司作为CCNI天津地区的唯一订舱代理,并和MSK,CMA-CGM,PIL,YML,COSCO,CSCL等国内外航运公司有良好 的合作关系,可以为客户量身定做及时,便捷的服务。
2019-3-12 9:55:44
发布:ggdd | 分类:进出口广州总代理 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
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